I'm Back!

After completing my two year degree at Scott Community College in Bettendorf, Iowa, I am now working as an interior designer in Davenport, Iowa at Knilan's Furniture and Interiors. The last year or so of my life has had many ups and downs in the journey of adulthood. I'm switching up my blog from the past. The creation of this blog was for school, but now that I've graduated, I am turning it more personal as blogs are suppose to be.

So.. I'm Kim Eastburn I'm 21 about to be 22 at the end of the month. I am currently going back to school at Western in the QC for my bachelors in Business Management. I am pursuing this because, eventually I want to have my own business. I have many dreams and goals for my future, but they all require time and patience. I think it's a great thing when someone can have a goal in mind and work towards them regardless of others opinions.

Before going to school for interior design I was attending Black Hawk college for my CNA (Certified Nurses Assistant) Certificate. I passed the class and began working at my local hospital in town. Being a CNA taught me many things, but mainly to be appreciative of the things we take for granted like having privacy, being able to walk, having more personal time with family members, and being able to remember things/people/and events. I know that every season of my life was God ordained, so even though I changed my major from nursing to interior design, I know God was with me in the changes.

I started on the path of nursing because I loved people and wanted to make a difference in their lives, and also knew I would have a financially sustainable future. I felt called to switch my degree when I really thought about why I had my job, and financially security shouldn't have been the main answer. I also saw how hectic my schedule was, and knew that in my future that schedule and life style wasn't going to work for me, and that wasn't what i wanted for my future kids. I wanted to be able to have a more flexible work schedule, and not be so worn out from work, both physically and emotionally. There is nothing wrong with being a nurse obviously, so I don't want anyone taking my situation the wrong way. God just had something different in mind for me. I had always wanted to do interior design, I just knew it didn't pay well. After God nudging me, and going against other people's opinion of how they thought my future should go, I took the leap.

Taking the leap of faith of listening to God's nudging went against "reason", but I am so happy and more free in my job and position now, than I ever would have been able to be in my past career choice. When God calls us to move, remember his ways are only to prosper our lives, and not to harm us. Things may look difficult or impossible, but with God nothing is impossible. Even though the pay is substantially different from nursing, I know that God will provide for all of my needs, and I know I can trust him. It is not always easy but, in the end I know that God is for me and not against me. The career choice was just one step in my journey with God.



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