Season of Life

Some days it feels like nothing is going right, and your only thought or hopes for the day is for it to just be over. It's hard dealing with situations when God tells you no, or the things you were expecting to happen don't. I'm learning we have to be OK when God tells us no. He corrects his children out of love and not anger. 
I have been going through a season of doubt and depression, after quite some time I had to tell myself that I was over being "over" my life. The only person who was going to put me in a better mood was myself and God, by letting him into my life and not shutting him out. When we distance ourselves from God, we are inevitably closing the door for him to love on us, and speak to our hearts about our current situations. When we do life the way we wan't to, normally the effects are much different than what we would have hoped or expected. 
Today if you are dealing with a negative patch in your life where you feel that no one cares about your hurt's, or that no one understands, I encourage you to go pray about it. No one can truly heal your heart or help you through your problems like God. When we begin to view our relationship with God as a normal relationship in our life, one that requires time, energy, and commitment, we can see if we are spending enough time with him. The flip side to this, is that he wants more time than your high school friend who you would meet once a month for coffee with, or your significant other you see everyday. 
I truly believe that when we give God more of our time and energy our day will be more peaceful. When we spend more time with him the truth about his love for us becomes undeniable. Knowing that he cares about every aspect of our day, and wants to help us is encouraging in and of itself. I encourage you to know that no one is perfect, we all fail and make mistakes. Rest in knowing that the God of the universe loves you deeply and cares about you more than any friend of spouse here on earth ever could.
Join me on my continued journey of surrendering my life to God everyday! My prayer for you is to find God, and allow him into your of life so that he can heal you, teach you, and grow you into a stronger person each and everyday.



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