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Hope in the shape of a butterfly

I am sharing these words with you to bring you hope. I want you to know in this season that you are not alone. The enemy is hoping in this season you'll turn back to your old ways, give up on God, and take yourself out. His plans are cruel and twisted, but they are all lies.

You may be thinking right now Kim, you are seriously nuts, I don't understand how you talk like this or why, I knew the old you and you were "spiritual" but this is taking it too far. You may even be thinking or saying I should probably go see or talk to someone! I would like to just mention that these aren't my words, there God's, it's not about me and you're right, I am different! I am not the old me. I have been made new. I don't have to worry about other people's opinions of me, I am no longer walking in shame, guilt, or condemnation.

This is a season of trial. Fight the good fight and don't give up, show God your determination, he's loving and merciful. This trial is like working towards a healthy body and life style, you know you'll have to eat better or you should, if you want real and lasting results, as well as working out in order to loose weight. Your personal trainer is going to coach you and push you because, they know you are stronger than you think, they are not trying to kill you! They see the potential in you and the end goal of what you are wanting and what you WILL become with some encouragement and pushing you out of your comfort zone. This isn't meant to harm you or condemn you. He is strengthening you, and you'll come out the other side of this trial and storm stronger than you've ever been because, he loves you so much, because he wants you to be made whole through his available healing.You're leaving behind sickness, debt, and disease in the name of Jesus. You have put on the new creation Christ died for you to have.You have focus and zealous determination for God's kingdom.
If you are feeling like God's abandoning you he hasn't, if you feel like he's gone silent ask yourself deep down is it really him, or have you gone silent to him? If you feel like your changing your life and pressing into God and you keep running into one trial after another, know you aren't doing anything wrong. The Bible says to find joy in the trial, because the trial will make you stronger, it can bring healing and sort things out in your life to take you to the next level, that fruitful promised land. Press into him, not away from him. Don't acknowledge the storm around you. Focus on God and he will grab you by his mighty hand and set you on a rock of stability and protection regardless of what it looks like in the natural. We are his children he only has good for us. If we can give good gifts on earth, how much more will our heavenly father give and do? If you can give $20 to a homeless man do you not believe the same God who answered that mans prayers will not give you money you need for the bills you have so you can expand and grow his kingdom? A lot of us are feeling stuck and on repeat in this season, I want you to cry out to God in this season, and break out of the years of repeat and jump into God. It's going to feel like jumping off a cliff into the unknown but he will change your life like he has mine and you will never be the same. Trust and try, what's one chance? I promise you that chance you give to Christ completely, he can finally work out without you in the way, and it will bring the results you have been praying for. That family member, even right now just close your eyes and imagine yourself handing them to Jesus, that job or boss, even that paycheck, give it to God and see what he WILL do.
With that being said he is faithful, jealous, strong, and courageous! God loves you and longs for you to see the REAL him. Not the version of him your parents, other family members, neighbor, or even "friend from church" have portrayed him to be. If their version of Christ is loveless and hateful that isn't Jesus. Jesus said he came for the sick and those who needed a Dr., he didn't come for the righteous but for the sinner (Mark 2:17).
If you have been suffering from addiction, a life lead away from Christ, and you want to come back to him without feeling judged, I want you to know Jesus isn't judging you. Maybe you're thinking you've done terrible things or you aren't leading a life anywhere near spiritual, it's OK!! He sees you where you are right NOW and LOVES you! He sees you, not the mess, not the mistakes, he died for ALL sins, all your parents, children's and grandchildren's mistakes! He loves you so much, even if your still doing drugs or not attending church regularly or at all, he WANTS to reach down and SAVE YOU! You have to ALLOW him to do this though, give him your aggression and let his loving arms swoop you up and comfort you. He's got you, he's got this, he's got your future in his hands, he's more than trustworthy!
Remind yourself the amount of trials you've been through, and how you've always gone through them! The storm always ends. There is a rainbow around your corner don't give up thinking this storm will last forever or this mundane life isn't going anywhere. Let God in and let him work. You are loved. I love you all.


God's words for you, his children in this season. The enemy has this as a season of taking you out, don't allow him to! God's got this and you.

If you don't know Christ or want to rededicate your life to the Lord, here is a prayer to know him and allow him to rescue and restore you. This prayer invites and allows him into your life to become a Christian so he can rescue you from captivity and bring you home!
Prayer: Thank you Jesus that you see me just as I am, that you love me so greatly! I surrender my purpose and plans over into your hands. Take me break me, and make me whole in you. Thank you for sending your son Jesus to die on the cross for my sins and that you rose him from the grave. Forgive me of my sins, wash me, cleanse me, and make me new. Amen.


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