Biggest Design Mistakes Done In The Everyday Home

Most people try and design their everyday homes the best way they can, but a professional designer can take it to a whole new level in giving a space the attention it deserves to look it's best. Some the of the biggest mistakes done in a home include those nasty carpet toilet surrounds. The best way to still keep feet warm in parts of the bathroom are just getting rectangular rugs and keeping them away from the base of the toilet.

When it comes to picture walls and buffets cluttered in frames it is time to put sentimental pictures in a photo album says expert interior designers. When walls and tops of furniture are covered in them it just makes the room feel cluttered and can also make it look tacky.

Framed Family Photos

The most neglected area of a home is said to be the foyer. This should be the part of the home with color, artwork or mirrors to help set the mood for the home as well as an area designated to show things off that represent the person or family living in the home.

Beige Foyer

When designing a bedroom it is always safe to use accent pieces to help set the theme for the room. The biggest mistake in bedroom design is making things to matchy matchy, or having the same pattern put every where throughout the space, making the room seem dull and less than creative. Design experts say if you want a themed ocean room for example go for a colored blue or coral bookshelf and some sea shells laying around instead of going overboard on ocean themed drapes and bed coverings etc.

Placement of furniture throughout the space is crucial to the flow and look of a room. Many people that try and design on their own that are not interior designers tend to place furniture lopsided and also cram way to much furniture into one space. Furniture shouldn't be shoved up against walls or only inches from each other. Furniture should be comfortable and should be a focal spot for a room.

 Yellow Living Room

Another well known design mistake is too much color and pattern in a room. When there are too many patterns in one space it tends to make the room too busy and look distracting. Choose colors that are found in chosen patterns and get a designers input on choices for fabrics.

Last but not least the biggest design mistake is leaving something in the home that is hated. Replace things in your home you know you will enjoy and appreciate, don't put up with out of date and atrocious design elements.
Carpeted Stairway


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