DIY to the Extreme

I am very passionate about DIY projects as well as home improvement or renovation projects. I found a great blog that covers all that and felt moved to share their amazing renovation pictures. The blog I chose to follow was from the DIY network. This blog is about their renovation on a beautiful country cabin. I will say on some of their changes that the network made to the home I personally wouldn't have changed.
Cabin Front Yard After
I love the change of the siding on the home to the gorgeous green. The landscaping changes also helped make the house feel more cottage like and comfortable.
When it comes to the changes in the living room I personally liked the more cottage feel in the living room in the before picture and would have just put more color in the room. The changes I liked that they did to the space afterwards though included the larger windows with the bench seating, the wood planked accent wall and the built in bookshelf.
Living RoomAfter
The before kitchen I loved. The blue/grey wooden cabinets and the floral wallpaper I personally thought were very fitting to the style of the home. The after kitchen was beautiful and some of my favorites included the counter tops, added island, tile backsplash, and the newly finished wood floors.
Dining and Kitchen areaAfter
Evening Deck LandscapeAfter
The striking changes to the back of the house were necessary and bring the home to a more updated and not dilapidated look and feel.
Media Room Game AreaAfter
I love the after image obviously because there was nothing in this room to begin with. The transformation is wild and the wood plank accent wall is very country cottage. I love the furniture pieces chosen for the space as well as the added window for natural lighting.


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