More Interior Design Blogs :) I love the variety of things that this blog does. My favorite part on their website is their travel and culture section. The pictures and write ups on the places that were visited are inspiring at the least.  I also love the amount of interior pictures available on the website. I love that this girl isn’t afraid to use a power tool and do something herself. I like how relatable she is in her blogs to me. I admire that she is into renovating spaces and loves interior spaces in general. I like how this is set up like a teen magazine. Things pop to your attention and I like the organized clusters of things that go together. I love that the blogger has a true passion for design and that she is able to run her own business. I also love how quickly she can get inspired by things. The blog is about a woman who does diy projects who loves interiors and saving money. She can spend on a budget and still allow things to look fabulous. I like how clean and organized the design blog web page is. It is virtually appealing and I like the amount of pictures that are available on the website. I love how easy she makes her blogs about money saving tips and diy crafts. It was honestly just fun to look through the webpage. This was one I could be on for hours. I love this website due to the amount of interior pictures that are put up. I like how personal this one is as well. I like the amount of ideas that are given for every room in the house no matter what your preferred design style is. This blog had one of the cutest back drop pages.  I love how she sets up her pictures and blogs on her page as well as her ability to make you feel like you know her. She blogs about interior spaces, art, food, and books. I love the amount of interior pictures as well as the architectural pictures that are available on this cite. It mainly features modern pieces and interiors but is a fun and fresh take on what you can do with your own space whether it’s done to the interior or the exterior. Love the enthusiasm on this cite. The blogs consist of Moms who haven’t given up their passion about design after they had kids. It is a nice mix of baby clothes and furniture pieces as well as nursery room ideas. I love this design just because the blogger and I like a clump of things that are interesting to us. She likes, fashion, art, interiors, old furniture, and the color pink. This is another website I could be on for hours. I like how she makes things interesting and enjoyable. 


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