Tides of Change

We question why
we wonder why
we second guess the rhythmic flow over our lives
Gods continual tide
of change
He brings us away from our selves
to learn to set sail
on the ocean
We end up on its floor
We curse and second guess
And look up in distress
If only we stopped and realized we were still surviving
The water in our lungs has changed to oxygen
Hes keeping us grounded in him
We are morphing and ever changing on the floor
Waiting to be brought up and on to shore
To be sent
We marvel the beauty of butterfly's and other wildlife
of their transition and beauty of raw painful change
then turn around and second guess our future or demise
without looking through the eyes of Christ
Can we stop for one moment
One breathe
And realize that these eyes were made to rest on Jesus and nothing less
His eyes speak of the truth and the change coming
We are raised to life through him
We never fail or fall completely
Even on the ocean floor he brings to mind the shore
He breathes life and purpose even in the midst of trial in the storm
Hes permeating our souls
Hes searching the ocean floor for the one
The one willing to sacrifice and give up their life
To in turn be drawn to him
Breathe breathed into our lungs
New Life
Hope is found in him
In the shape of a butterfly
Our eyes will grow weary and give up hope
when our eyes are placed on the storm and not the shore
Trust the maker who is with you on the floor
Who has already prepared your place on the shore
His purpose, His beauty, His process
Water will wash away the debris that can cling and thrive above
Below these things cant compare or last
Nothing left, nothing lasts.
Purity Heaven the final Avail
We wait on our maker
In full pursuit and prevail
through the storm, the trial, the floor
All the while keeping our eyes on the Maker, The shore
The end in sight is the key to out last
the final blast
Key Holder of my soul
Ever faithful one
Constant and Never Changing
You are to me, my friend
Life long and Soul companion
You lift My spirits and Bring rest to my soul
You fulfill and never leave dry bones
Come to me all who are weak and weary and I will give you rest
Oh my soul longs for this rest and refresh
Take to account
My will over your lives dear children
It is not to suppress but to sanctify and change in times of distress

(My first spoken word piece given and influenced by the Lord, as well as the season of my life that has changed and is changing and evolving my trust, view, and understanding of the Lord and his promises over my life, from the Word of God. Change is painful, and can honestly feel brutally beating at times. To say that change was fun or gave feelings of happiness would be a lie. What I can say about this, is that without the tough spots, the past, the break ups, and break downs, the open and closed doors, all lead, and are leading me closer to God's destined place and plan over my life to come into fruition. Much love Facebook, and following Fam.)
Kimberly (Kim)


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