Truth Live Free Conference 2015 Re-Cap

In 2015 I attended a women's conference "Truth Live Free" at Life Church based out of Roscoe, Il. I attended their Geneseo, Il campus while it was in my hometown for a few years. I felt lead to share my notes from this conference to help shed light on some relate able topics for both men and women. If you do not have a home church, or work third shift or crazy weekend hours (I have been there), this is a great Bible based church that streams online! The pastor, his wife, and staff are walking in the fruits of the spirit and using their gifts and have a passion for reaching the lost, and building the body of Christ. Here is the link if you'd like to check it out. (

This post is based off my notes from three days, so it will be lengthy, but worth it! I have split it up in different sections so you can come back and read it over the course of three days if you’d like. Sometimes it is better to nibble on something than gorge yourself and be overloaded.
Those you SEEK will FIND him, those who knock AND KEEP on knocking the door will be opened. Be persistent in your pursuit of freedom and truth over your life! God will lead and guide you, but you have to be willing to get up and walk.

I'd also like to share that going to this conference alone, and getting a hotel on my own, as well as driving that far alone at this time was very hard for me, but I did it with Christ's help. I had debilitating anxiety that I was still dealing with. I would have horrible panic attacks to the point of losing breathe and experiencing heart attack symptoms. This weekend was life changing for me, and believe it or not these notes have helped me just as much two years later. So here they are...

Thursday Night

Proverbs 23:23   1 Peter 1:22-23  Go After Truth!

1. Knowing our destination
Knowing who you are and where you are going
2. 2 Tim 1:7  John 16:12
3. We need to allow the Truth of God into feelings of regret and shame. We have to overcome this area of our lives in order to move on.

Friday Morning

Sarah Zaske
Truth One: You are good
Truth Two: It's not good for you to be alone
Genesis- Believing fully that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. We can believe the best for others, but why is it so hard for us to believe the best for ourselves?
Believing the lie that it's ok when it's only effecting you. Learning to engage after a conference. Why can't we see ourselves the way God sees us?
The answer is SHAME. Shame means there is something wrong with me, or something that's been done to me. Why do we still choose to be alone, when God tells us not to be. 
Shame based rules:
Control- I won't be shamed if I am in control of my actions or situations.
Perfectionism- I will be accepted the when I am good enough and won’t get hurt.
Blame- When something goes wrong blame somebody else so we aren't shamed.
Denial- If I deny my negative feelings or pretend the feelings aren't there then we don't have to deal with them. 
Genesis 2:25, 3:7, 8-10   Hebrews 12:2
How can we move past shame? Fix our eyes on Jesus. God already knows, and always knows what is going on inside of us. To heal from shame we need love and acceptance not only from God, but in our relationships. On the other side of vulnerability is the love we need and are searching for. Nothing disarms shame better than knowing that you are never alone going through anything.
Story of a man who was wearing a coat in Alaska who flew to Vegas. Summary- The same thing that saved you in one season could kill you in the next. You don't need to have coping mechanisms anymore, God and other people are around you!

Elise Wood- Through The Storm
Mark 4:35 
"Immediately" Jesus was on the boat with them during the storm. No circumstance is bigger than God. What is your perspective of God? Are your feelings truths or is truth, truth. 
John 16:33
No storm should hold you back from the call of God on your life. Am I going to serve God, or wait for him to serve me? Learn to believe him for it. Serving God through the storm. 

Sara Zaske-
Luke 8:1-3
Mary- healed and whole after deliverance, he is not shaming her for her past.John 20:11-15
What is the name that defines us. I'm just so___?
1 Peter 2:9  Daniel 1:8
I'm sorry that's not my name. That’s not who God says I am. Why does God call me that?
Where are you called? Where does your deep gladness interact with the World's deep need?
Responsibility-to live out your calling. Calling other by their name. Encourage and celebrating others is necessary even when others aren't walking in what you want. Listening to God's big and small things for us to do. We need to be obedient in the small too. 

Rachel Butler & group- Be Intentional 
Kerry Frank
Don't set limitations on yourself. The only limit that is holding you back is fear and your own limitations on yourself. Take the limitations off of your life. 
Turn your trials into triumph,
Taylor Hultz-
Don't let your past define you. 
Sharon Goldsmith-
Feeling like she couldn't measure up, feeling depressed and becoming suicidal. Applying the scriptures to yourself! Accept the Word for what it is. “I love me the way Christ loves me." There is no condemnation in Christ. She went from sin conscience to God conscience. Speaking the truth of God's word over your life. 
God's calling is unique to your life. God has been writing your story for hundreds of years. He has you in the right place and time, even now. 

Friday Night

Dr. Caroline Leaf-
Learning is repetitive. In order to change it will take effort. What are you choosing to learn? Were designed and structured for love. Thoughts are a real thing that you merge with your environment. Where your mind goes your life will follows. We need to to be lead through life with the Word. If you are either listening to God or Satan. We are created to listen to God's Word, and read it daily. 
What are you choosing in your life? The mind is separate from the brain. What is conscious?
Triune Being: Spirit/ Soul/ Body
Spirit-intuition, communion, conscience
Soul-intellect, emotions, free will=mind
Body-physical substance we can see
You don't have to beg God for anything. We have to be strong in our weakness. If you are not addicted to God you are addicted to something else. Whether that be clothes, self, etc. I can't carry your burden or fix your problem, but we can serve each other and encourage one another. We are designed to take responsibility for our thought life. If you are not willing to change, the Holy Spirit can't even help you. You will have to choose to believe that God is who he says he is. Every solution to every problem is solved by God. If you are not desperate for change, we can rebuild our minds. There is shame in not dealing with what has been revealed to you. Family, friends, church, work.
There is no shame in having help! Your mind is over and above your body. There is NO excuse, no matter how hard it is, you can overcome. 

Saturday Morning

Live Free:
A responsibility of living a life of freedom. Truth and freedom are linked together. Being free doesn't mean living a life without consequence. It was not given for you to live for yourself, or be lazy, or to live without responsibility. 
Liberty gives you the right to choose. If you do not like where you are move, you are not a tree. 
Freedom was given to live for what Christ dies for. Christ has given us the truth to choose, so you can go and do what God's called you to do. You have to implement right choices every day. You have to fight for freedom. YOU make the choice to go through the door and or to stay there. 
Ephesians 6:13-14  Proverbs 23:23
Buy it, seek it, and find it out. 
The price of truth will cost you time and energy. 
You are going to have to walk through and not give up. When things are difficult you’re on the verge of a breakthrough. Remember what is beyond the door, make goals and be intentional. Make an action plan from this weekend to remember right choices. What is one thing you are going to do before the conference is even over (or in this case once you are finished reading this)? One thing before you leave? What are you going to do when you get home? Today, this week, in one month, in one year?

Two different groups were brought up during the conference: 

Compact Ministry ( is a Christ-centered ministry to redeem the fatherless family through compassion in action. 
Compact envisions a broader continuum of its Christ-centered family services including, children's home, foster care, maternity homes, adoptions, and therapeutic care by 2020.
Compassion without action is dead. 

Project Lilac (Roscoe, IL) A non-profit 501(c)(3) organization devoted to helping Women-In-Crisis situations meet their personal hygiene needs. 
They provide discreetly packaged bags filled with personal products such as sanitary pads and tampons. They are then delivered to organizations that support Women-In-Crisis around the US.  (

Saturday Afternoon
Dr. Caroline Leaf-
Celebrate who you are in Christ and you'll be able to celebrate others. By doing this it increases your brain health. Start looking at yourself the way God sees you. You are brilliant, beautiful, and perfectly you. Practice listening to the Holy Spirit. Set up the intentional dialogue. If people are not seeing you and thinking I want what she has, you're doing something wrong. When you are in love, you are listening differently. Don't ignore things that are going on in the world, but pray from them deeply. Everything we do counts! By praying we are impacting the world through the butterfly affect. Keep each other accountable. You direct this process with your mind, and your mind changes the physical. The non-conscious is where we store our thoughts and memories from childbirth and in the womb. Something moves up from the unconscious mind and you can ask the Holy Spirit to help you choose what you are supposed to do with that thought. You can choose to listen and do these things, as well communicate to God. Choose to submit your free will to God. 
Reconnect the mind. A habit actually happens in 61 days not 21. There is life and death, no grey zone. When you step into the hate zone it causes cause in your mind. You build unhealthy thoughts when you think negatively. You are healing your own body when you are praying. Whatever you focus on will become real. Shame is not ok. You cannot continue to be whiny. 
Eccelsiates 7:9
"I made them perfect." You will never grow in a grey zone. When you work through your life issues, the abnormalities disappear. We have to learn to rejoice despite our circumstances. Damage can be undone. The Holy Spirit will help you on what you to work on. WE can renew our minds when we look through the Holy Spirits view. (Season 2 on Mental Health on TBN- Dr. Caroline Leaf) When you push through the problem it will be over, when you don't deal with it, it pops back up worse later. Your brain is meant to be detoxed and grown. If you don't work on something every 48 days, it goes away, and will only keep a 5-10% memory. 


Learning to be real and relational, and not isolate ourselves. Having a daily relationship with God. Making daily choices to follow him and change our mindsets. Reminding ourselves daily how much God loves us, and how much he wants us to love ourselves. 
1 John 3:7-11     1 Peter 1:13-15     Revelation 3:10     



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