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RACE Hold on tight Buckle up This will be a bumping ride Can't slouch or sink into seat You gotta sit up straight To take this to the streets Not add a tweet Cant compete with blood shed on concrete Racial slurs and hateful speech Coming to terms Appreciate one another Acknowledge, live out true love of the Father We’re all created the same Created by The Creator No color or body shape Is ever going to complete or change you Or should compete against you No more superior In the church or in the world We have to stop judging one another Cease contradicting church behavior Praying to God to save our neighbor Then throwing shade instead of aid Being weighed down from life Swayed from the right way Lost and looking for light We have to mimic his Might Apply the Word Condition our conviction Their constricted by addiction Holding jurisdiction to step in and save Are we really brave When words of affliction Are s

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